Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Husband and His Wife

Got up this morning thinking it would be just another wrong I was! I met two new different people wanting Highlights for Hope because they had seen someone else wearing one and then I met with a special lady going through chemo therapy and her husband. It was my first experience to have a husband come along to the consultation. I felt priviledged to witness the support and comfort her husband offered his wife while she tried on different wigs. We had a bit of fun with different styles, got to laugh a bit at how possible it is to have lots (and I mean lots) of hair and totally different colors! You see, as women, we know what it is to change our style and what we do to get that style but for him it was surprising! I think we gave a few beauty secrets away that he hadn't known before but I think we can trust him because when we were all done, she looked absolutely Wig Beautiful and like herself which I am pretty sure he loved.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Promise

A promise to my web master was made that I would continue blogging faithfully! Well, here I am again typing away when I know I should be doing something else like adding pictures to my website!

Actually, that is the next thing on the list! Pictures are coming! I promise!

Tonight I will be weaving Highlights for Hope for the Sudbury Swim Club. Their season is starting up again and they wanted to celebrate with Highlights for Hope. Can't wait to see the girls in pink! It should be nice to see the Highlights flowing in the pool as they wade in the water!